April 25, 2021

Before finishing up The Ballad of Weaves #53 , I'll just point out that I listened to the album Transmissions From the Satellite Heart by The Flaming Lips for the first time in awhile today. The semi-novelty hit from that record "She Don't Use Jelly" is not even in the top half of good songs from the album. I'm not such a fan of Mr. Coyne or the Lips anymore, but for awhile they were great. The Ballad of Weaves #53: Part 4: Denouement Someone I know would very vehemently complain that that problem with Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace was that the climax was the pod race scene, which is only the halfway part of the movie which threw off the whole emotional arc of the movie. Well, there's a lot about that movie you could choose to complain about, but I'm sort of a Phantom Menace apologist. It's the best of the prequels. That's not saying much. It's still got some very cringe-y parts, but at least I also remember it being sort of fun in...