September 26, 2021
Task update: My house is still not clean (a Sisyphean task), but I'm on roughly page 150 of Dune . Before we get to the SUNDAY MORNING POWER RANKINGS. TENNIS FASHION POWER RANKINGS I'm not so much interested in who wore it best as opposed to which athletic clothing brand has the best line. Tennis is nothing if not the Project Runway of sports. I suppose you could argue for the NBA being the more fashion forward sport , but in tennis, the arena of competition also serves as the runway. I also enjoy the absurdity of a sport that collectively decides that 1994 was the definitive year for fashion. No sport has ever embraced bright neon quite like tennis. 1) Fila Bjorn Borg's 1976 Wimbledon outfit: It's pretty much defined classic tennis fashion for all time. After dabbling in wild patterns and tie dye during pandemic the times, Fila's US Open 2021 line was a return to clean and simple. And it looked pretty good on pretty much everyone who wore it. Couple of Fila gal...