
Showing posts from March, 2021

March 28, 2021

So a thing happened last week. I tagged David Pogue and Tracy Smith on Twitter and Pogue responded with a quite flattering comment regarding this here blog. Not to be outdone, Tracy responded by calling me the "F Scott Fitzgerald of blogging except way better than him." My thoughts on the matter: I'm obviously a fan of CBS Sunday Morning and fandom is mostly a one way relationship so I'd be lying if I said that these brief cyber interactions meant nothing. They made my day, in fact. In days of yore, I'd have to put pen to paper, look up an address and direct send fan mail to some PO Box to reach out to those that put together Sunday Morning. Now I can (sort of) talk to people I see on TV and they can (sort of) talk to me. As Jasper has taught us all: Also the CBS Sunday Morning twitter feed is generally pretty dope. However, if you are reading this, this is probably not news to you. Like all great technological breakthroughs, the internet is both the best of thin...

March 21, 2021

Spring has sprung on CBS Sunday Morning. In the northern hemisphere, it's warming up and the amount of daylight now exceeds 12 hours per day. I can tell because after I get off work, I still have time to go for a bike ride or a run. As escapism, CBS Sunday Morning functions much better as a winter show. It can be relied upon to provide a window to wonders that are not accessible while we are mostly shut inside. For the same reason, it was also an excellent pandemic show. As winter thaws and I can see daylight and spring from my own window and not just the window that Sunday Morning provides, the allure of the show starts to be diminished. The quality of the show does not diminish and part of the spirit of Sunday Morning is to go and experience things for yourself. The show encourages you to get out there and experience things - ratings hit be damned. Sunday Morning is a sampler of hors d'oeuveres. Each person must decide upon a satisfying entrée of their own design. Now contin...

March 14, 2021

As I sit down to bang out this week's power rankings, CBS is currently airing the Grammy awards (as Sunday Morning pointed out just a few times.) It being a music-centric episode, I present: The Ballad of Weaves #53: Part 1 I don't listen to music as much as I once did. I'm sure there are a lot of reasons... growing older chief among them . I can pinpoint going to graduate school as a major turning point away from my avocation of pop and indie music discovery. First and foremost, I attended Purdue which was not, and did not have, "a scene". Cincinnati did. Louisville did more so. I spent a summer in Austin, TX, which blows pretty much everyone else away in terms of scenedom. At Purdue, we got the occasional act touring college campuses that would play in our main auditorium. Which was also the place I had to proctor exams for a freshmen physics course that enrolled over 3000 students a semester. (I think I just got a twinge of PTSD writing that sentence.) Of the b...

March 7, 2021

Something happened to me last week that I thought would make for a good intro to today's CBS Sunday Morning Power Rankings as a short personal story. But then I actually sat down to write up the power rankings, which can take time and it no longer felt like a fit. Each week, I attack the rankings a little differently. Sometimes, I need an intro to gather my thoughts. This week, I started with the rankings proper and decided to circle back to the intro. Five hours later, I had finished, but not edited the rankings sans intro. I needed to go to bed. This evening, I circled back to the intro and find there is not enough time to execute my original idea. And with the benefit of hindsight, I'm just not as excited about the idea as I was originally. C'est la vie. If I am smart. I will write it up at my leisure and save it for another time. Wait, five hours? Do I spend too much time on the power rankings? It takes me anywhere from 3-5 hours to crank out something that maybe tak...