March 28, 2021
So a thing happened last week. I tagged David Pogue and Tracy Smith on Twitter and Pogue responded with a quite flattering comment regarding this here blog. Not to be outdone, Tracy responded by calling me the "F Scott Fitzgerald of blogging except way better than him." My thoughts on the matter: I'm obviously a fan of CBS Sunday Morning and fandom is mostly a one way relationship so I'd be lying if I said that these brief cyber interactions meant nothing. They made my day, in fact. In days of yore, I'd have to put pen to paper, look up an address and direct send fan mail to some PO Box to reach out to those that put together Sunday Morning. Now I can (sort of) talk to people I see on TV and they can (sort of) talk to me. As Jasper has taught us all: Also the CBS Sunday Morning twitter feed is generally pretty dope. However, if you are reading this, this is probably not news to you. Like all great technological breakthroughs, the internet is both the best of thin...